The Tokyo summer Olympics just ended with great pomp and parlor. After winning several medals for the country, our Olympians returned home with great pride on their backs. While all is well that ends well, there is always a lesson that we must take from the things we see, stories we hear and the circumstances that we experience.
We have seen hard working athletes put their physical and mental boundaries away and openly challenge the unachieved in fire and fury. To imagine the pressure on each one of these athletes can be mind boggling.
Fortunately for us, many athletes have spoken out rightly about activities that keep them relaxed and away from stress. Here are a few that have chosen the humble art of knitting as their favorite part time hobby.
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If you are looking for a fool proof stress-relieving hobby, you should try your hand at knitting and crocheting today. Medical experts have expressed and promoted knitting, crocheting and other crafts with yarn and needles as a therapeutic escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The repetitive motion involved in the act will keep you away from stress and allows you to zone out.
Coming to us, we and the entire knitting community are proud about the representation knitting has achieved, especially at the recent Olympics as well as the past games. It is endearing and exciting to know that some of the greatest sportsmen consider knitting an important part of their everyday life.
To begin your knitting diaries, order the highest quality yarn and other products at Vardhman Knitting World. Visit: